Product details
• Original Concept: Jack Zipes
• Author: Kurt Schwitters
• Design & Production: Barrie Tullett
• Publisher: The Caseroom Press
• Publication Date: TBC

Book description
Utopian Tales/Utopische Märchen features socialist and communist fairy-tales mainly written in the 1920s, selected and translated by Jack Zipes.

It is an extended edition of Zipes' Fairy Tales and Fables from Weimar Days, first published in 1989, with additional tales, the original German texts, and 60 newly commissioned illustrations – one for the original German version of each tale, and one for the English translation. [etc]

Utopian Tales/Utopische Märchen is the most ambitious collaboration that we've never published.

The funding that we had in place to print the book is sadly no longer available to us, and we are currently trying to find alternatives.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved with the book for their patience and support.

Utopische Märchen: Aus Fehlern lernen Utopian Tales: Learning from Mistakes
Kurt Schwitters: Das Glück
by Tom Gauld
Kurt Schwitters: Happiness
by Russell Mills
Carl Ewald: Ein Märchen von Gott und den Königen
by Howard Pemberton
Carl Ewald: A Fairy Tale about God and Kings
by James Hutcheson
Edwin Hoernle: Der Riese und seine Rüstung
by Hanna Melin
Edwin Hoernle: The Giant and his Suit of Armor
by Sara Ladlow
Edwin Hoernle: Der kleine König und die Sonne
by Tomislav Torjanac
Edwin Hoernle: The Little King and the Sun
by Geoff Grandfield
Berta Lask: Die Geschichte von dem Jungen, der mit
einem Drachen kämpfen wollte
by Tamar MacLellan
Berta Lask: The Boy who Wanted to Fight with
a Dragon
by Paul Jackson (Detail)_
Joachim Ringelnatz: Kuttel Daddeldu erzählt seinen
Kindern das Märchen von Rotkäppchen
by David Schofield
Joachim Ringelnatz: Kuttel Daddeldu Tells his Children
the Fairy Tale about Little Red Cap
by Mr. Donaldson
Joachim Ringelnatz: Der ehrliche Seemann
by Alan McGowan
Joachim Ringelnatz: The Honest Seaman
by Robert Mason (Detail)
Joachim Ringelnatz: Von andern aus lerne die
Welt begreifen
by Simon Davies
Joachim Ringelnatz: Learn to Grasp the World from Others
by Jim Dalziel
Hermynia Zur Mühlen: Der Zaun
by Eileen Ogg
Hermynia Zur Mühlen: The Fence
by Melanie Homann
Hermynia Zur Mühlen: Der Knecht
by Lawrence Zeegen
Hermynia Zur Mühlen: The Servant
by Alan Mason
Béla Balázs: Der Sieger
by Hannah Coulson (Detail)
Béla Balázs: The Victor
by Darren Diss
Bruno Schönlank: Die geflickte Hose
by John Brown
Bruno Schönlank: The Patched Trousers
by Olivier Kugler (Detail)
Eugen Lewin-Dorsch: Das Märchen vom weisen Mann
by 6am Hoover

Utopische Märchen: Könige, tyrannen, Geizhälse
und andere Narrenn
Eugen Lewin-Dorsch: The Fairy Tale of the Wise Man
by Diane Stonehouse

Utopian Tales: Kings, Tyrants, Misers,
and Other Fools
Maria Szucsich: Von Der heiligen Nässe
by Alex Williamson
Maria Szucsich:The Holy Wetness
by Sharon Singer (Detail)
Robert Grötzsch: Der verzauberte König
by Pietari Posti (Detail)
Robert Grötzsch: The Enchanted King
by Felicity Sheldon
Robert Grötzsch: Der Zauberer Burufu
by Jill Calder (Detail)
Robert Grötzsch: Burufu the Magician
by Michael Kirkham
Oskar Maria Graf: Babberlababb
by Alys Jones
Oskar Maria Graf: Baberlababb
by Donald Holwill
Oskar Maria Graf: Das Märchen vom König
by Betony May
Oskar Maria Graf: The Fairy Tale of the King
by Jillian Ditner
Heinrich Schulz: Das Schloß mit den drei Fenstern
by Jamie Oliver
Heinrich Schulz: The Castle with the Three Windows
by Sophie Toulouse
Anna Mosegaard: Die Riesenspinne
by Gary Neill

Utopische Märchen: Die Weisheit des Tieres
Anna Mosegaard: The Giant Spider
by Drew Khan

Utopian Tales: Animal Wisdom
Robert Grötzsch: Der Fisch Felix
by Katharina Leuzinger (Detail)
Robert Grötzsch: Felix the Fish
by Naomi Holwill
Edwin Hoernle: Pudel und Schnauzer
by Jantze Tullett
Edwin Hoernle: The Poodle and the Schnauzer
by Melvyn Evans (Detail)
Edwin Hoernle: Das Chamäleon
by Carmelo Lettere
Edwin Hoernle: The Chameleon
by Joanna Gibbs
Felix Fechenbach: Der Triumph der Wölfe
by Charles Mitchell
Felix Fechenbach: The Triumph of the Wolves
by Mat Plater
Felix Fechenbach: Revolution im Zoo
by Peter Arkle
Felix Fechenbach: The Revolution in the Zoo
by Irvine Peacock
Felix Fechenbach: Das Chamäleon
by Barry Moser
Felix Fechenbach: The Chameleon
by Jonathan Gibbs
Béla Illés: Das Märchen vom Bären, vom Wolf und vom
schlauen Fuchs
by Brigid Collins

Utopische Märchen: Freiheit durch Solidarität
Béla Illés: The Fairy Tale about the Bear, the Wolf
and the Sly Fox
by Jonathan Moon (Detail)

Utopian Tales: Freedom through Solidarity
Heinrich Schulz: Der stille Maschinensaal
by Gordon Brennan
Heinrich Schulz: The Silent Engine Room
by Matthias Gephart (Detail)
Hermynia Zur Mühlen: Die Brillen
by Natalie Manning
Hermynia Zur Mühlen: The Glasses
by Sara Ogilvie (Detail)
Kurt Schwitters: Es war einmal eine kleine Maus
by David Faithfull
Kurt Schwitters: Once upon a time There was a Tiny Mouse
by Fiona Redford